August 17, 2015 · 0 Comments
Do you like to sing?
Those who have often wondered about the possibility of singing with others have the opportunity. The four Wednesdays after Labour Day, starting Sept. 9, have been designated as a special time when women of all ages are welcome to come and discover the absolute joy of learning to sing and perform a cappella four-part harmony, barbershop style with a chorus of like-minded women.
Whatever tone your voice, there is a part for you! You will find that the opportunities made available to you as a member of The Orangeville Chorus, Sweet Adelines International are quite amazing.
Come check it out at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday at Horizons Event Centre, on Highway 10 north, behind Mono Plaza.
Email [email protected] for further information or call 519-943-0343 to say you are coming, or go to
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