General News


September 10, 2015   ·   0 Comments

SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISER A Bolton family, with the help of some neighbours, held a fundraising event Monday in support of the Shoppers Drug Mart One Walk to Conquer Cancer. Nicholas Fera, who organized the fundraiser, said it was inspired by his mother Linda, who’s been undergoing chemotherapy treatments at Princess Margaret Hospital. “We could give back after all the care she’s been given by Princess Margaret,” he remarked. The One Walk to Conquer Cancer will be Saturday in Toronto. He also said the effort was a success, raising more than $600. “It was a really good day,” he said, adding some people just came to make donations, without buying anything at the garage sale. Seen here, in the lemonade stand, is Linda’s niece Angelina Pileggi, 7, surrounded by neighbours Emma, 7, Sophia, 6, and Isaiah Pugliano, 4, along with Linda, nephew Lao Chiaromonte, 10 and Nicholas.

A Bolton family, with the help of some neighbours, held a fundraising event Monday in support of the Shoppers Drug Mart One Walk to Conquer Cancer. Nicholas Fera, who organized the fundraiser, said it was inspired by his mother Linda, who’s been undergoing chemotherapy treatments at Princess Margaret Hospital. “We could give back after all the care she’s been given by Princess Margaret,” he remarked. The One Walk to Conquer Cancer will be Saturday in Toronto. He also said the effort was a success, raising more than $600. “It was a really good day,” he said, adding some people just came to make donations, without buying anything at the garage sale. Seen here, in the lemonade stand, is Linda’s niece Angelina Pileggi, 7, surrounded by neighbours Emma, 7, Sophia, 6, and Isaiah Pugliano, 4, along with Linda, nephew Lao Chiaromonte, 10 and Nicholas.



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