February 20, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
Students at Alton Public School get in a lot of running, and some of them were recognized for it recently.
The school presented the annual Terry Fox Running Awards (Order of The Foot), with special recognition for those who put in a lot of extra laps.
Physical education teacher Ken Rae observed the school year started at Caledon Central Public School (while the new facility in Alton was being completed), but the students did their laps at Caledon.
“You all did a great job,” Rae told those on hand for the awards assembly.
He also had words of tribute for Terry Fox. “We know what a Canadian hero he is,” Rae commented, adding the efforts of the school this year raised $450 for cancer research.
Certificates were handed out for the top runners, with ribbons based on the number of laps completed. The top class was for those who did at least 84 laps, since Rae pointed out that’s the equivalent of a Marathon, which is what Fox did every day during his Marathon of Hope in 1980.
There were also presentations of Golden Shoe awards, which Rae said went to “students who went the extra mile.”
The primary students who were recognized were Addie Skinkle (who ran 26.5 kilometres), Thomas Coleman (84 km) and Ewan Steele (84), with certificates going to junior students Ronan Reynolds (150 km) and Ava Carrigan (150.5 km).
Alton Public School students getting the Golden Shoe award were (back) Ronan Reynolds, Ava Carrigan, (front) Addie Skinkle, Thomas Coleman and Ewan Steele.
Photo by Bill Rea
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