General News

Staff reports out on what Caledon councillors made last year

April 11, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
The job requires long hours, many meetings, plenty of reading and dealing with complaints from irate constituents.
But it’s also true that the pay for being a municipal councillor in Caledon is not bad, especially for Regional representatives.
In most cases this fall, the voters will get the chance to ruled on how well the councillors have earned their pay.
Both Caledon and Peel Regional councils recently received without comment reports on remuneration and expenses.
When salaries, benefits and reimbursements for attending conferences and other expenses are all factored in, the amounts paid out to each of Caledon’s five representatives on Regional council came to more than $100,000.
Mayor Marolyn Morrison received the most. Her salary as mayor came to $63,947.69, but the report from town staff stated she received $2,791.14 in statutory benefits (like Canada Pension Plan and Employer Health Tax), $3,861.65 were paid in pension costs through the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), $4,747.79 in other benefit costs (like health and dental, as well as insurance) $8,291.46 to cover expenses and $4,927.81 for mileage. Her total remuneration from the Town amounted to $88,567.54. But Morrison also sits on Regional council, and all members of that body (with the exception of Chair Emil Kolb) received a base stipend of $51,425,32. In addition, she received $9,276.07 in benefits and $8,620.35 from the Region to cover conferences and other expenditures.
Factoring everything from the Town and Region in, Morrison’s remuneration amounted to $157,889.28.
Councillors all received a base salary from the Town of $28,293.20, and the Regional councillors got the same stipend that Morrison received.
Richard Paterak received $369.11 in benefits from the Town, along with $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,497.43 in other benefits, $2,182.27 for expenses and $4,984.91 to cover mileage, for a total amount from the Town of $42,035.55. With the addition of his Regional salary, Paterak also got $6,893.11 in benefits and $4,835.35 for conferences and expenses. That resulted in a total of $105,189.33 for his municipal work.
Allan Thompson received $1,138.38 in benefits from the Town, as well as $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,528.31 in other benefits, $4,902.49 in expenses and $8,794.88 for mileage. As well, Thompson received $150 as an honourarium and $34.69 in expenses as a member of the board of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association. In addition to his Regional salary, Thompson received $9,276.07 in benefits from Peel. He also got $802.78, plus $239.72 in expenses for his service on Credit Valley Conservation. Thompson’s total remuneration amounted to $111,294.41.
Richard Whitehead received nothing through OMERS, but on top of his salary from the Town, he got $369.11 in benefits, $4,497.30 in other benefits, $4,848.71 to cover expenses and $3,833.39 for mileage. On top of his salary as a Peel councillor, Whitehead received $2,243.53 in benefits and $7,402.87 to cover conferences and other expenses. As well, Whitehead received $1,645.78 for sitting on Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, along with $935 to cover expenses. His total package came to $105,494.21.
Patti Foley received her salary from the Town, as well as $1,138.38 in benefits, $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,528.70 in other benefits, $4,519.80 for expenses and $2,333.20 in mileage. She also received $9,276.07 in benefits from the Region and $1,372.21 for conferences and expenses. The total for Foley was $104,595.51.
As for the area councillors, all four were paid the base salary.
Doug Beffort got $487.53 in benefits, $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,497.17 in other benefits, $3,948.37 for expenses and $3,274.14 for mileage for a total package of $42,209.04.
Gord McClure received $1,138.38 in benefits, $1,708.63 in OMERS, $1,918.99 in other benefits, $1,804.63 for expenses and $4,821.98 for mileage. His total came to $39,685.81.
Nick deBoer got $1,138.38 in benefits, $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,528.31 in other benefits and $828.87 for expenses for a total of $36,497.40.
Rob Mezzapelli’s benefits came to $1,138.38, and he received $1,708.63 through OMERS, $4,528.31 in other benefits, $3,357.19 for expenses and $2,490.57 for mileage.



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