October 11, 2018 · 0 Comments
This week, we continue our series on getting to know the men and women who are running to be your area and regional councillors and school trustees. This week, it’s your school trustees.
Over the past fifteen years as your Trustee for the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board, I have successfully advocated for parents and students through many challenges that have allowed the opportunity to grow and improve our school communities. As a father who resides in Bolton, I am passionate to see forth the changes needed to ensure the success of our students in a growing community.
My success in advocating for our Catholic students and parents has been achieved through; my keen knowledge of School Board Governance, continuing education in leadership development, and a commitment to Catholic Education.
With a vote of confidence on October 22nd, I remain committed to ensure our students’ education continues to develop through modern technologies and methods, while providing an educational experience that instills Catholic values and teachings that encompass our community.
It is with gratitude and overwhelming appreciation, that I thank you for your ongoing support. On October 22nd, you once again, have the opportunity to re-elect me as your Catholic/Separate School Board Trustee, while entrusting me with the authority to advocate on behalf of your Children’s Catholic Education.
Visit Trustee Frank Di Cosola on Facebook.
I’m running for DPCDSB Trustee because I’m passionate about education and open communication. I’m hearing from families in Shelburne, Orangeville, Mayfield West and Bolton that it’s time for a change.
It’s time for the residents in ALL of Dufferin Peel to feel represented by someone who is ready, willing and able to listen, advocate and support them. As one of the first candidates to register, I’m committed toproviding children the support and resources they require to achieve their full potential. My platform is “Supporting Success in Education,” whatever “success” means to you and your child. I’ve attended every single “All Candidates” meeting and accepted every invitation to meet constituents because I’ve been that parent who needed support.
I’ve been that parent who sat on Council as Chairperson, Parish Rep, Secretary even Chief Floor Sweeper! I’ve been a volunteer in the classroom and I’ve been an emergency supply teacher for the DPCDSB. I’ve been the All Star Reading Program volunteer. My background includes a BA and B. Ed., I’ve worked in corporate HR, taught at Sheridan College and I now own a small business. I’m a published author and sit on the Board of the Caledon Parent Child Centre. I want this job. I’ll be the trustee who answers emails, the phone when it rings and visits schools when invited – and not just for presenting the Trustee award at graduation time. It’s time for change. www.sromanschooltrustee.ca
“I’m running for Public School Trustee to help grow the next generation of young people in Caledon. Peel DSB is in desperate need of representation that properly champions students’ needs in a continuously modernizing school board. While my opponent will likely talk about experience, I will talk about my vision for the school board.
From bettering mental health services in our schools, to improving our board’s drug harm-reduction strategy; these are the big social issues that need to be addressed. Busing must become reliable, Co-op/SHSM programs needs to be expanded, and monthly public meetings on key policy issues will be held when I am elected.
As a part-time University student and advocate for youth issues, I’ve worked to aid a start-up general health/minority rights activist organization, as well as working with the nationally recognized Jack.org organization focusing on mental health. I am the Director for Public Outreach for CSSDP Ryerson – a non-profit student group looking at drug harm-reduction, and was a lead activist for the inception of the Peel Youth Charter.
I am an energetic young person who is seen as a “breath of fresh air” in Caledon politics, and as the only candidate with an outlined platform, I humbly ask for your support on October 22nd.
Twitter/Instagram: @DmytroBasmat
Facebook: Dmytro Basmat for Trustee
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-735-7842
I have been the public school board trustee representing Caledon on the Peel District School Board for the past 8 years. There are 5 wards in Caledon represented by 1 public school trustee. I just retired in June from a 37 year career teaching Social Psychology at Centennial College, Scarborough.
Debbie and I have been married 36 years. She has worked for Dr. Sylvia King in Caledon East for 35 years. We live in Palgrave and have 2 daughters. Both work in the field of education. One is the research ethics officer at Brock University and studying in a PhD program, one is a Kindergarten teacher who also owns and operates her own KC Swim School. Education is a strong core value for our family.
I have 2 college diplomas: in Correctional Work and Recreation Leadership, an undergrad degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Education. I have run 5 full marathons in my life. I always completed what I started and successfully crossed the finish line.
There are many PDSB/Caledon school needs: more teaching assistants for our Special Education students/families, additional mental health supports – I have supported every budget request for both needs, infrastructure improvements – I have continually supported advocating for this money from the Ministry of Education.
With major development coming soon in the Caledon East PS boundary, I suggested that our administration present our case to the Ministry for money to build a new school here.
I am the candidate with experience from the classroom, to the staff room, to the boardroom.
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