January 9, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
There wasn’t a lot of public reaction to a revised subdivision plan that was presented last week for lands in SouthFields Village.
KLM Planning Partners, on behalf of Digram Developments Caledon, put forth the plan for almost 25 acres in the area west of Learmont Drive, north of Abbotside Way.
Town planners had reported the original proposal was for 131 single detached homes and 83 freehold townhouse units. It was announced at last week’s public information meeting on the proposal that it’s been revised to include 100 single units and 145 townhouses.
The proposal will require a rezoning of the property from agricultural to mixed-density residential.
Jim Kennedy, a principle of KLM, told the meeting there will be three sizes of lots for the single units, 15.7, 12.8 and 11 metres in width.
He also told Kenneth Bokor, of the SouthFields Village Residents Group, that they are looking at traffic flow conditions during construction, agreeing it is a challenge for the neighbourhood. He said construction access for the heavy equipment would be across the north side of the property off Heart Lake Road to the east, although he said smaller vehicles will likely use Abbotside. He also told Bokor this is not a big development, so he said construction will last something like four or five months, although that will depend on sales. He added a sales trailer will be going up once daft approval for the development is granted. He couldn’t say where it will be.
Kennedy estimated it will take 24 to 30 months to get everything completed.
Councillor Allan Thompson said he gets a lot of calls about construction traffic in the village early Saturday and Sunday mornings. He said he wants that kind of activity kept away fro the existing homes, with no work Sundays.
Kennedy told Councillor Rob Mezzapelli adding more townhouses would help meet the density targets set out in the Town’s Official Plan.
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