
Remember My Name

November 15, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Justin Long
A life in this uniform, boots so black and a weapon to shine,
I stand for all that is right and I’ll call this country mine
No war like before, orders are given and I will fight
Everything and anything I’ll do to make this right.

Blood, sweat and tears, give it all and forge my path
For I am a soldier, and they will feel my wrath
My brother, my country, the passion in my veins
I promise in the end, we will be all that remains.

Obedient, through gunfire and this risk of dying
Only forward, for my country I will die trying
Slow motion recoil, through the sight I am
I have one life to win for this is no war game.

I was born for war, an ultimate killing machine
No other life I’ve known for this is how it’s been
Some criticize this way of life, taking lives is wrong
But I do this mission so you can stay where you belong.

You can hate this way of being, but I am here for you
So there will be a fear free world you can live through…
The enemy threatens our existence, I will make them fall
Behind this flag, I will be brave, stand proud and tall.

The training is repetitive, so everything about me is pristine
I’m like everyone else, I want this all to end when I dream
This picture in my hand, her beauty, I hold back the tears
Thinking of her is all that keeps away the fears.

She is my savior, the one the keeps me moving and calm
Anything is possible, for a soldier I am strong
When all is said and done, your life stays the same
All I ask if I die is that you please remember my name.



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