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Registration open for 2023 Hike for Bethell Hospice

March 23, 2023   ·   0 Comments

Weekly prizes for top fundraisers being given out this year

By Zachary Roman

It’s almost time to lace up in support of Bethell Hospice.

The 2023 Hike for Bethell Hospice is set to be held on May 7 this year and fundraising has already begun. Bethell Hospice, located in Inglewood, is a not-for-profit hospice care home that provides award-winning care at no charge to those it serves.

Early bird registration for the hike is complete, and Caledon resident Ken was the winner of the $250 Tim Hortons gift card that was the early bird raffle prize.

So far, 18 teams and a total of 100 hikers have registered to participate in this year’s hike.

Bethell Hospice is hoping to raise $255,000 from this year’s event, and over $63,000 has been raised already. In 2022, over $220,000 was raised through that year’s hike.

In the last four years alone, $675,000 has been raised for Bethell Hospice through the yearly hikes, which are one of the non-profit’s largest fundraising events.

This year’s hike begins at 8 a.m. on May 7 at Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena in Inglewood. There’s also the option to complete your own hike anytime in the month of May, with donations being accepted all the way until May 31.

This year, prizes are being given out to top fundraisers within a given time period. For example, the person who raises the most money between March 20 and April 2 will receive a $60 dollar gift card for Airport Pizza in Caledon East.

Kelly Stronach, Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications for the Bethell Hospice Foundation, said the new initiative will entice people to participate and get the message about the hike out to the community. There’s going to be different gift cards from local business sponsors available in the weeks leading up to the hike.

Stronach said this year’s fundraising goal is high but can absolutely be beaten, given the growth of the Hike for Bethell Hospice each year. 

“You get the same teams participating which is really nice because they get there and then they recognize other people and they start chatting… that’s what the community part of it is,” said Stronach.

Anita Schenk, whose late husband Dave was a resident at Bethell Hospice, is once again participating in this year’s hike with her Parade of Perseverance team. 

“Five years ago, my husband was a Bethell Hospice resident. It was the first time I had ever heard of the hike and our first hike was an emotional event with lots of family and friends attending,” said Schenk. “The hike is now an important annual event in my life and I am most grateful to see my husband’s former workmates, family and our local friends come together to share special memories and honour Dave. There is a connectedness that is difficult to describe but one that I wish for all who have lost a special person!”

To register for the hike or donate to a team, those interested can visit and learn more.



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