General News

Region launches online lobbyist registry

March 29, 2017   ·   0 Comments

As part of Peel Regional council’s commitment to enhance accountability and transparency, all lobbyists must now register online prior to lobbying a Peel public office holder.
This registry was created in response to a council approved bylaw, which took effect last week.
The Lobbyist Registry is an accessible public record of all lobbyists. It details the name of the lobbyist, who they lobbied, the date and subject matter upon which they lobbied.
Registration is a simple process and must occur before or within five business days of lobbying commencing.
“We are pleased to take this next step of implementing council’s decision to have a lobbyist registry to further improve transparency and accountability to our residents”, Regional Clerk Kathryn Lockyer said. “This registry system ensures our residents are able to easily access lobbying activity using our online registry system.”
Lobbying is any communication with a public office holder by an individual who is paid or unpaid who represents a business or financial interest with the goal of trying to influence any legislative action.
For more information, or to register as a lobbyist, visit the Lobbyist Registry at



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