June 19, 2013 · 0 Comments
National Public Works Week was recently marked in Caledon and throughout Canada.
It was an occasion for the Town to honour its public works employees. This year, the theme for the week was “Because of public works…”, drawing attention to the ways that the department makes residents’ lives easier.
“It requires hard work to improve and maintain services we all come to expect in our daily lives” said Public Works Director Craig Campbell, “and public works staff is important in making sure we can continue to enjoy that quality of life we have in our great community.”
Tidy communities, clean water and safe public properties, are all the fruits of the Public Work department’s labour. The services provided can be easily taken for granted, but are essential to the function and health of Canadian communities.
To draw attention to the work that goes into maintaining the town, Caledon hosted an open house at Town Hall at Caledon East.
Brian Ewles and Dave Campbell of the Caledon Public Works Department were among those on hand at the Public Works Week Celebrations at Town Hall.
Photo by Nick Fernandes
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