January 19, 2015 · 0 Comments
Why would our government want to pass Peter MacKay’s Online Spying Bill C-13?
This bill would enable authorities to invade the private lives of any Canadian citizen, without any monitoring or guidelines? Does the government really believe all of its citizens are potential threats?
It would give telecom providers incentives for “snitching” on their own customers without facing any repercussions? No legal recourse means a free for all when it comes to our information.
And it would prevent victims of these invasions of privacy from even being informed? This is an clear advance toward totalitarian rule.
We know that 73 per cent of Canadians oppose Bill C-13, with just 15 per cent approving. There is huge opposition across all regions, age groups, genders and income levels. Even Conservatives oppose Bill C-13 by 62 per cent to 24.
The Harper government is misleading Canadians when it says Bill C-13 is about cyberbullying. This bill includes vastly more powers than the few pages about cyberbullying would warrant. It’s clear that the government is running scared of Canadians, including thousands of its own supporters who are speaking out against online spying since it recently cut Parliamentary debate on C-13 short. This bill was rushed through the House of Commons and will soon be voted on by the Senate. We trust that the Senate will see the huge negative impact this will have on our entire democracy. Canadians know that the Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled that warrantless government requests for private information are unconstitutional. Why would the government, through this bill C-13 effectively encourage unconstitutional behaviour except to suppress dissent?
I encourage Canadians to learn more about how we can work together to safeguard our privacy at OurPrivacy.ca
Joyelle Jolie,
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