November 15, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
The holiday season is fast approaching, and that means celebrating.
Caledon OPP are ready to be on the lookout for people who might have done too much festive drinking before driving.
The campaign was officially launched Friday with an afternoon spot check on Airport Road, just north of Mono Road.
Sgt. Marcus Sanderson of the detachment’s Community Response Unit reported four additional constables have been added for the festive season, bringing the complement to 10.
The Festive Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) program actually started the third week of October, and will run until the second week of January. And Sanderson said this is in addition to the usual RIDE activities that go on throughout the year.
“We want to have a significant presence during the festive season,” he remarked. “It is a continuation of what we do 365 days a year.”
Sanderson said they try to be brief when motorists are stopped at a spot check. Officers tell the driver why they have been stopped, and if there’s no reason to suspect impairment, they are quickly allowed to go on their way. But if an officer suspects the driver is impaired by alcohol, a breath sample can be demanded.
“We’re also using our noses,” he added.
Inspector Tim Melanson was among the officers manning Friday’s spot check to launch the festive RIDE campaign.
Photo by Bill Rea
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