Police focused patrols on Forks of the Credit Road

August 2, 2015   ·   0 Comments

During June, Caledon OPP initiated an action plan to target speeding and vehicle noise on The Forks of the Credit Road.
During the month, a total of 229.25 hours were dedicated to this initiative. This consisted of speed enforcement, motor cycle noise enforcement, random patrols and Reducing Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE).
As a result of the directed enforcement, several results were obtained, including 89 speeding tickets being issued, with 48 charges being processed, including Highway Traffic Act charges, noise by-law and other provincial offences. Several persons were dealt with under the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. Three drivers were issued with three-day licence suspensions for registering a warn during the RIDE checks.
“Due to increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic in these areas in the summer months, we will continue with increased visibility and enforcement to ensure the safety of residents and motorists in the area,” said Operations Manager, Staff Sergeant Mike Garant.
Those who observe aggressive or erratic driving, or have any concerns regarding public safety, should contact the Provincial Communications Centre at 1-888-310-1122.



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