General News

Plenty of summer happenings at Caledon Seniors’ Centre

July 3, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Margaret and Bill Cunning
Those lazy, hazy days are here again.
As we enter the midsummer season at Caledon Seniors’ Centre, our thoughts turn to picnics, trips to the cottage and lazy days in the garden, or barbecues on a beach somewhere. We have some of those barbecues and trips planned for the Centre, but there will be some changes for our members as well this summer.
Since the Centre opened in 1993, our membership has grown rapidly, but the physical space has remained relatively unchanged. The Centre will, therefore, be closed for the month of August as it will undergo renovations to expand the kitchen.
All July programs will be held at the Centre, and the good news is there will be no interruption to most programs in August, as they will be relocated to 50 Ann St., in Bolton, in a special events and meeting centre, formerly the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Further details will be available from the Centre as the staff work to accommodate as many programs as possible.
At the April AGM, Lloyd Bittle and Henry Maag were named as honourary members of the Caledon Seniors’ Centre. This honour was well earned for their volunteer contributions over the years.
The In-House Friendly Games, which took place in May/June provided lots of fun for all participants. Everyone was a winner as the event ended with a lovely awards luncheon June 27.
The Centre has one trip planned in July and one in August for your summer pleasure. We will go to Prince Edward County July 4 for a wine tour and a trip to a lavender farm with lunch at Huff Estates. The cost is $82 and the bus leaves the Centre at 8 a.m.
We plan to go on the Peterborough Lift Lock Cruise Aug. 22. We will travel by luxury coach and visit the Hutchinson Museum, as well as a two-hour cruise on the Trent Severn Waterway, including a nice luncheon on board, and visit the lift lock. A visit to Craftworks Barn will be included. The cost is $84.
We will host both euchre and bridge tournaments, followed by a barbecue July 6. The cost is $10 and both tournaments start at 10 a.m., and everyone is welcome.
We will host a summer steak barbecue and games July 18. The cost is $15 for members and $18 for non-members. This event starts at 10 a.m., with lunch at noon. Everyone is welcome.
Card tournaments
Please note that we will now require pre-registration for all card tournaments, including euchre, bid bridge and bridge, so that we will know in advance that we have enough players to run the event. Register at the Centre or call 905-951-6114.
For further information on all programs and events, please check our website at, contact us at 905-951-6114, or email us at [email protected]
We thank you all for your patience during the renovation process, as we try to improve the Centre for your enjoyment.
As always, we welcome all seniors to our Centre for warmth and fellowship. The invitation to lunch Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays is warmly extended at “your home away from home.”



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