
Payment to Kahdr was ‘sleazy’

July 27, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Re “Rewarding terrorist at widow’s expense” — Caledon Citizen July 13.

Once again, Claire Hoy has hit the nail on the head by telling it like it is.

What a slap in the face to Sergeant Christopher Speer’s widow and Layne Morris!

Kahdr gave up his right to his Canadian citizenship when he fought for the enemy in Afghanistan. Not only is he a murdering terrorist, but a traitor to Canada. Once upon a time, this would have earned a convicted traitor either a life sentence or meeting with a firing squad.

His repatriation to Canada to serve out the remainder of his sentence was all that was needed following the Supreme Court decision on infringement of his rights as a Canadian citizen. He deserved nothing more.

There is no doubt that Trudeau not only authorized this sleazy payout behind the backs of Canadians, but the news was only released when Trudeau was out of the country. Equally, it was no coincidence that this was just in time to keep Kahdr’s victims from freezing his assets.

Worse, if the details had not been leaked to the media, we would almost certainly never have ever learned of it.

We will remember this sleazy underhand act at the next election. Time to stop both federal and provincial Liberals from putting their hands in our pockets.

I sincerely hope Sergeant Speer’s widow and Layne Morris go after Trudeau for a big payout, preferably from his personal bank accounts and not our tax revenues.

Cicelia Hoke, Caledon East



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