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On School Bus cameras

June 21, 2023   ·   0 Comments


Several years ago, Peel agreed to installing cameras on all school busses, attached to the stop sign that comes out when the bus is stopped and they are live in both directions while the bus is stopped with the stop sign out and the bus’s red lights flashing.

I thought this was a great idea as I live on a very busy section of Dixie Road and accompany my son as he gets his six-year-old son on and off the bus at 8.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. To my surprise, many cars make no attempt to slow or stop for the busses. So dangerous and hard to believe.

And I honestly believe the drivers I am watching doing this have no idea they are doing anything wrong as I am so close I can see their facial expressions.

Then I think back to when my sons got their licences and how all students were told how very, very important it was to obey stopped school busses with their lights flashing….and not just because you could lose six demerit points, but it was very dangerous. One has to wonder what kind of teaching new drivers getting today?

Now I read how these new school bus cameras are not coming as our Council voted them down, but approved getting photo radar cameras. One brings in revenue and one doesn’t.

Councillors, get your priorities right!

Brian Perras



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