January 9, 2014 · 0 Comments
The Caledon Environmental Advisory Committee (CEAC) is seeking nominations from the public for the 18th annual Environmentalist of the Year Award. The due date for nominations is Jan. 15, 2014.
CEAC grants the award to a Caledon resident, business or organization that has made a significant effort to protect, enhance or restore the natural heritage of Caledon.
“CEAC’s Environmentalist of the Year award encourages environmental stewardship across Caledon and provides recognition for outstanding community efforts,” said Mayor Marolyn Morrison.
The Environmentalist of the Year receives a certificate at the Town of Caledon’s annual Volunteer and Citizen Achievement Awards event in April. The winner’s name is also added to the commemorative rock in the CEAC Stewardship Grove on the Trans-Canada Trail in Caledon East. The Environmentalist of the Year will also receive the honour of choosing a Caledon-based environmental stewardship project to receive an Annual Environmentalism Recognition Award of $500.
The Bolton and District Horticultural Society was chosen as Environmentalist of the Year in 2013.
Those who know of a person or an organization that deserves this recognition, are asked to let CEAC know. Visit www.caledon.ca/environment and click on the banner for Environmentalist of the Year.
For more information, contact Senior Policy Planner Tim Manley at [email protected] or 905-584-2272, ext. 4285.
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