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Nobletoyz brings superheroes to town for special fundraiser

September 26, 2019   ·   0 Comments


While Halloween is still more than a month away, ownership at Bolton’s Nobletoyz wanted to have some early fun this past weekend, bringing a team of caped crusaders to town all in the name of charity.

Derrick Noble held a special ‘super’ fundraiser on Sunday, raising $900 for the Caledon-Parent Child Wellness Centre and Special Olympics Caledon. 

“This is about giving back to the community,” says Noble, “and also to celebrate the third anniversary of Nobletoyz in Caledon.” 

Nobletoyz, open seven days a week, is Caledon’s local retailer of all things toys, collectibles, and comics for both children and adults. They also provide costumes. 

“There’s really nowhere locally to get costumers, so I feel we’re providing a unique service here,” said Noble.

Out in full force to save the day were two renditions of Wonder Woman (one who paints children’s faces included), Aquaman, an incredible four versions of Spiderman, Ironman, and horror favourite Pennywise the Clown. Derrick Noble was in costume as a stressed-out business owner.

Some cosplayers were also present to help with the event. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, “cosplay” is short for “costume playing” and is an outlet for fans to dress up as their favourite characters, very much like the concept of Halloween itself, although they are not limited to one day a year and usually frequent comicons. 

“Cosplayers like the idea of being someone else,” explains Noble, “and this is an opportunity to have fun and raise money for two great causes.”

When asked why four-year-old Daniel the Pirate wanted Wonder Woman to paint him as a pirate, he was quoted as saying, “GRRRRRRR!”

Wonder Woman A.K.A. Mary D’Addario explained she was in costume volunteering her face painting services for a wonderful cause, the Caledon-Parent Child Centre. 

“They are a very community driven organization,” said D’Addario, “and I feel like their services are very needed. I myself have used their services with my own children, and found them amazing. They’re welcoming, kind, and inclusive.”

Over at the Special Olympics table, copies of Jason’s Quest, written by local resident Jason Scorcia, were being sold to raise money for various Special Olympics programs, in addition to a barbeque. Funds are raised for sports such as bowling, swimming, bocce, and soccer. 

The program is designed for anyone with mental and cognitive disabilities. It also helps these young athletes interact with their community, with the majority of overseeing staff being volunteers.

Programs take place all year long, mostly after school hours during the academic year. There’s a sport for every kid and every need.

Nobletoyz was thrilled to be able to put their nerdiness towards a good cause, and celebrate the best in costumes, cosplay, and enthusiasm for the subject. 

We’re now at the end of September, so to piggy back somewhat off the immortal words of House Stark, “Halloween is coming.”

For more information, please call 905-252-5644, email [email protected], and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.



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