General News

MPP Jones points to Chamber report on increasing hydro rates

August 17, 2015   ·   0 Comments

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce recently highlighted Ontario’s crippling hydro rates in their report, Empowering Ontario: Constraining Costs and Staying Competitive in the Electricity Market.
The report noted that hydro rates in Ontario are adversely affecting families and businesses. As a result, businesses will soon begin to leave the province, along with jobs, unless immediate changes are made to curb the ever-increasing hydro rates in the province.
“Too often I have heard from constituents and businesses in the community that exorbitant hydro rates are taking its toll on the budgets of families and businesses,” commented Dufferin-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones. “Every time I meet with local manufactures, hydro rates are always raised as a concern. We have already begun seeing companies closing up shop and moving to other jurisdictions because of hydro rates.”
“This government has made a mess of our province’s energy sector, and unless they start making immediate changes, business and families will continue to be the one’s paying the steep price for it,” Jones said. “Ontarians and businesses should not be paying for the mistakes by this government. The people of Ontario are sick and tired of doing so.”



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