March 7, 2019 · 0 Comments
by Allan Thompson
February can have its challenges with our shared frustration over severe winter weather and dangerous driving conditions. This is when I’m grateful for our Caledon and Peel Region roads crews. They work long hours in bad weather this time of year to clear snow and keep on top of icy conditions. A big shout out to them for their hard work.
February is Black History Month and to celebrate we partnered with the North Peel Community Church to set-up a display in the Town Hall atrium. If you haven’t been to Town Hall lately stop by before the end of the month and take in some local history. You can also view the new Tremaine Map which was kindly donated to the Town and restored. The map by George Tremaine was created in 1859 and is still used today by our heritage team.
March will be a busy month for public information meetings and we invite you to stay connected and get involved in some important local issues.
On March 6th at the Albion Bolton Community Complex was the Climate Change Open House, this is an opportunity for residents to learn about the local impacts of climate change and what they can do to help make a difference. For more information visit
There are several Transit Feasibility Study public information meetings taking place in March, this is one of the biggest issues I heard in the election and town staff are working hard to make sure we consult with the community to create a made in Caledon transit plan. For information on dates and locations
On March 19th, at 6:00pm there will be a public information meeting on a number of proposed zoning by-law amendments at Town Hall. One that may be of general interest is the proposed town wide zoning amendment for cannabis production facilities.
And finally, I want to highlight the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Tim Hortons’ Bowl for Kids’ Sake was held on March 6th 12:00noon to 2:00pm at Skyview Lanes Bolton. Big Brothers, Big Sisters quietly make a big difference in Caledon by providing programs and support to vulnerable children and youth. It would be great to see Caledon residents and business supporting this worthwhile cause by either donating, spreading the word or coming out to bowl. If you’re interested, please contact my office 905.584.2272 ext. 5130 or [email protected] for more information or to register.
Stay warm and safe and rest assured the spring is on the way!
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