July 8, 2016 · 0 Comments
The Caledon Agricultural Society held its 26th annual Caledon Canada Day Strawberry Festival Friday in honour of Canada Day. The weather wasn’t terribly cooperative, but there was still enough time for people in attendance to get in some fun. Caledon’s Town Crier Andrew Welch led the parade of dignitaries into the Fairgrounds for Friday’s opening ceremonies.
Photos by Bill Rea
The day opened with a Pancake Breakfast, complete with strawberries. Palgrave area resident Sabrina Cook was on hand with her children Amelia, 5 and Elijah, 2.
The Caledon Concert Band, under the direction of Robert Kinnear, performed O Canada during the opening ceremonies of Friday’s festival.
There were some interesting animals that were brought to the Festival by Tiger Paws Exotics. Spencer Powers was helping introduce this red tail boa named Pinecone to Henry Van Toen, 3, of Bolton.
Larry Weltz and Steve Hayward of the Alton branch of the Royal Canadian Legion were raising the flag Friday.
The Exhibit Hall at the Fairgrounds was a busy place as a number of vendors were showing their goods. Randi Geddes of Itty Bitty Creations of Brampton was showing this assortment of ties and clips.
Margaret Hushion of Port Credit and Alex Alejandro of Chile were selling a selection of three-legged, good fortune pigs.
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