November 14, 2014 · 0 Comments
Lifetree Café will reopen Dec. 3 with a slightly different format and a somewhat less structured program.
It will take place in the usual café setting; a place to meet a friend for food, drink and fun, where the atmosphere encourages conversation, questions and personal stories. However, it will start at a new time — 7:30 p.m. to better accommodate those who work and will go until 9 p.m. Also, the meetings will be the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
The first four sessions will focus on Other Faiths: What We Really Need to Know. Included in these will be stories by people who hold different beliefs, from Muslims to atheists to wiccans to Mormons. There will be ample opportunity to learn about and discuss the subjects in an unhurried, relaxed atmosphere.
Admission to the event is free. Snacks and beverages are available. Lifetree Café is at 6025 Old Church Road, Caledon East in the St. James’ Anglican Church building.
For more information, call 905-584-9635 or email [email protected]
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