September 21, 2017 · 0 Comments
The Town of Orangeville has a colourful, exciting past.
From the early days of the Irish pioneers escaping the political problems of Ireland to the present influx of new residents fleeing the pressures of cities, Orangeville has been a town that has adapted well to change and is always ready for new ideas. The strength of the community has been the people who have chosen to live there and who have left interesting traces of their lives and the times.
Hear about the early settlers when Wayne Townsend, author and former curator of the Dufferin County Museum and Archives, addresses the Caledon East and District Historical Society Sept. 27.
He will speak about such people as John Corbit, Seneca Ketchum, George Grigg, Orange Lawrence and others instrumental to the growth of Orangeville. Much of Townsend’s material comes from newspapers, diaries, letters and other first-person documents, and archival photographs.
The talk will be at St. James’ Church at 6025 Old Church Rd. in Caledon East, and it will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Society members and students get in for free, and there’s a $5 charge for visitors.
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