June 26, 2013 · 0 Comments
By Bill Rea
The annual Summerfest Barbecue took place last Thursday at Husky Injection Molding Systems in Bolton, and the event turned out to have a championship flavour.
The featured guest was Grey Cup champion Toronto Argonauts’ Vice-Chair Mike “Pinball” Clemons. He was accompanied by two Argo Cheerleaders and was brandishing the Grey Cup itself.
Husky’s Vice President of Corporate Services and General Counsel Michael McKendry observed the barbecue provides the opportunity to give something back to team members and thank them for all their hard work throughout the year.
“What interested us about having Michael ‘Pinball’ Clemons here today is not only the tenacity, leadership and dogged determination he demonstrated throughout his athletic career, but also his tireless community involvement, his participation in countless charitable causes and his determination to motivate others to reach their full potential,” McKendry commented. “We admire these qualities and look to draw inspiration in how we approach our business and daily lives.”
Clemons said he was happy to be on hand to help give something back to the community and country.
He was a little reluctant to comment on the team’s chances in the coming year, only to say they have a chance of winning the Cup again; “better than most.”
Toronto Argonauts’ Vice-Chair Mike “Pinball” Clemons and Husky’s Vice President of Corporate Services and General Counsel Michael McKendry had a good grip on the Grey Cup, accompanied by Argo cheerleaders Natalie and Rachel.
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