General News

Frank Dale is Peel Region’s new Chair

December 11, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
Veteran Mississauga Councillor Frank Dale received a big promotion last Thursday.
He is the new Chair and CEO of Peel Region, replacing Emil Kolb, who has retired after 23 years on the job.
Dale, 62, was first elected to City council in 1988 and was re-elected to his seventh term as representative for Ward 4 in Mississauga in October.
He and his wife Terri have three children: Jennifer, Michael and Jonathan, and one grandson.
Dale was one of five people nominated for the position and the only one who was a sitting councillor.
The other four were former Mississauga councillor Steve Mahoney, who made an unsuccessful bid for Mississauga Mayor in October, former Mississauga councillor Pat Mullin, who stood down from seeking re-election, former Brampton councillor John Sanderson, who ran for Mayor, and Shelley White, president and CEO of United Way of Peel Region.
It took five ballots before Dale was able to get a clear majority of the 24 Regional councillors who were voting.
Dale had eight votes after the first round, and his supporters included Caledon Councillor Annette Groves. Mahoney had four votes, including those of Caledon Councillors Johanna Downey and Jennifer Innis. Mullin also had four votes, as did Sanderson, who had the backing of Caledon Mayor Allan Thompson. White got three votes, including that of Caledon Councillor Barb Shaughnessy.
Mahoney’s son Matt was elected to Mississauga council in October, so he declared a conflict of interest and stood down from voting until his father was eliminated.
White was dropped from the running at that point, and Shaughnessy switched to Sanderson.
The second ballot saw Dale get 10 votes, to six for Mahoney, three for Mullin and four for Sanderson.
With Mullin dropped, Dale got 11 votes on the third ballot, with Mahoney and Sanderson tied with six each. Lots were drawn, and Mahoney’s evening was over.
Downey and Innis switched to Sanderson for the next ballot, which ended in a 12-12 tie.
The next vote was taken after a brief recess and it saw Mississauga Councillors Pat Saito and Karen Ras switching over the Dale to break the tie.
Groves said later they were all approached by the candidates, and she took the opportunity to listen to what they all had to say, and how they would protect the position of Caledon at the Region.
“I am pleased with the way things turned out,” she said.
“We got a good Regional Chair,” Thompson remarked after the meeting. “I think we’ll be fine with Frank.”
“I think Frank’s a really nice guy,” Downey commented. “I think he’s got a lot of Regional experience that’s going to serve us well as we go forward.”
“He has big shoes to fill,” she added.
“I think that experience matters,” Innis said. “I think Frank brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the position of Chair.”
“I like Frank,” Shaughnessy said, although she had supported White at the start. She said she ran on bringing in ne energy and perspective, “and that’s what Shelley offered.”
Shaughnessy added she could work with either Dale or White.
Mississauga Councillor Nando Iannicca entered Dale’s name in nomination, calling him “the finest candidate we could ever hope for.”
Iannicca reflected that Dale started working for the Region in 1974 in an entry-level position, and stayed there until 1988 when he was elected to council.
“He has done it all and seen it all,” he said.
Iannicca added Dale has never been known to raise his voice or have his integrity questioned.
“He’s a fair man, he’s a just man, he’s an honourable man and he’s a gentleman,” Iannicca commented.
Mississauga Councillor George Carlson seconded the nomination, saying Dale had been a mentor and friend to him from the time he was a school trustee. He praised Dale’s experience, calling him “kind of a renaissance man.”
In his address to councillors before the first vote, Dale said he was approached by colleagues to seek the Chair, telling him the Region needed proven and trusted experience, and he said such experience is needed at the Region at this time. New growth and development pressures are going to be faced, and he commented on the need to preserve established communities, balancing that with the new development.
Dale has served 15 years on Credit Valley Conservation, spending six years as chair. He pointed out he’s had experience dealing with the three area municipalities in Peel, as well as protecting the environment.
He added experience helps teach one to make tough decisions.
Dale also pointed out there are 11 new members sitting at the council table this term (including some who are returning to council). He said they represent fresh ideas and he promised to work with each of them.
He also spoke on the need to review the structure of council to make Regional government more responsive. He added he will fight to make sure Caledon and Brampton have the Regional representation they deserve.
Thompson nominated Sanderson, commenting on the good qualities he’s observed in the years he’s worked with him, observing he’s promoted Regional issues. He’s also been frugal, finding lots of savings at the Region, especially in the area of waste management.
Thompson also observed that Sanderson has shown an understanding of the needs of Caledon and Mississauga, as well as Brampton.
Brampton Councillor Elaine Moore seconded the nomination.
Mississauga Councillor Ron Starr nominated Mahoney, seconded by Gael Miles of Brampton. Mullin was nominated by Saito, with Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey seconding it. It was rookie Brampton Councillor Martin Medeiros who nominated White, and that was seconded by Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey.
In his acceptance address, Dale reflected that he and Iannicca were rookie councillors together, both being first elected in 1988. He recalled Kolb had approached both of them at the time, trying to be a mentor.
“Emil never changed,” he said. “Emil was always there.”
“This Region is rapidly growing,” he told the large crowd at Mississauga Convention Centre, “and is faced by many challenges ahead of us.”
He also vowed to work as hard as he could to make it the best Region.
“It’s overwhelming,” Dale told reporters after the meeting. “It’s a great feeling.”
He acknowledged there will probably have to be a byelection to fill his old council seat, which is now vacant.
“I felt awkward with respect to that fact,” he said. “It’s the system and maybe that system has to be changed.”
Dale said he wasn’t too surprised by the results.
“I’ve never entered any election where I didn’t think I had an opportunity to win,” he remarked. “I didn’t feel as nervous as Ithought I might have been.”
“I’m very happy that Frank has been able to convince the members of council and the new members of council that he’s the right person to take the council through the next four years,” Kolb commented.
He observed there’s a lot of work to be done, especially involving infrastructure and service delivery.

Peel Region’s new Chair Frank Dale delivered his inaugural address last Thursday night.

Peel Region’s new Chair Frank Dale delivered his inaugural address last Thursday night.

Justice of the Peace (and former Caledon mayor) Carol Seglins administered the Declaration of Office to new Regional Chair Frank Dale.

Justice of the Peace (and former Caledon mayor) Carol Seglins administered the Declaration of Office to new Regional Chair Frank Dale.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey and Caledon Mayor Allan Thompson placed the Chain of Office on Frank Dale.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey and Caledon Mayor Allan Thompson placed the Chain of Office on Frank Dale.

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