June 15, 2017 · 0 Comments
Do you know how to use LinkedIn to find job opportunities?
Jobs Caledon at Caledon Community Services (CCS) in the Royal Courtyards Bolton is hosting a workshop, Using LinkedIn to Find Work tomorrow (Friday) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
This hands-on workshop will help job seekers update their LinkedIn profile for job searching, understand how to use the available features and learn the work arounds to access paid features for free.
As a seasoned speaker with 21 years experience in sales, hiring and management, Christine Gnass will share her knowledge and expertise to help job seekers understand how to find work.
“LinkedIn is the social channel to use for job hunting,” Gnass said. “Job seekers don’t always realize the need to build a profile a certain way in order to stand out for recruiters. We will address that and little known tips on the free LinkedIn services job seekers can benefit from.”
Small wonder Gnass is so knowledgeable about this topic; she has a business managing social media for companies, helping them grow their brand awareness and sales.
Seating is limited. Book a seat by contacting Jobs Caledon at 905-584-2300, ext. 200 or [email protected]
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