December 23, 2014 · 0 Comments
Egan Funeral Home recently hosted their 20th annual Christmas Memorial Service at Nashville Road Community Church. More than 800 people attended this non-denominational service and lit a candle in memory of their loved one. This service was open to anyone in the community who had experienced the loss of someone during their lives. The congregation listened to readings and prayers prepared by the participating clergy. In addition, Johanna Webster sang two songs which were meaningful to lighting the candles on the trees. Dr. Bill Webster from the Grief Journey was the key-note speaker, offering his support and comforting words on how to journey through the Christmas season when everything is anticipated to be happy and joyful and for many, this Christmas season will be a struggle. Pictured are Johanna Webster; Dr. Bill Webster; Pastor Dean Kennedy, Nashville Road Community Church; Pastor Jeff Enns, Bolton Alliance Church; Reverend Jeremy Lowther, Caven Presbyterian Church, Bolton; Reverend Jeff Werner, Bolton United Church; Reverend Riscylla Shaw and her daughter Zelda, Christ Church Anglican, Bolton.
Photo submitted
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