May 14, 2014 · 0 Comments
Congratulations are going to the Town of Caledon community on their participation in Earth Hour, and continual environmental leadership.
Caledon citizens and businesses turned off their lights March 29 in recognition of the hour and the impacts of climate change. This simple action saw a 7.5 per cent reduction in electrical demand, a 0.5 per cent improvement over the results from 2013.
“I continue to be impressed by the growing involvement in Earth Hour in Caledon,” said Mayor Marolyn Morrison. “It is clear that our community wants to take a stance on climate change.”
The Earth Hour movement, since its inception in Sydney, Australia in 2007, has started a new call to action, “Going Beyond the Hour,” which asks that supporters make a difference every hour in the fight against climate change.
The Town of Caledon is currently undergoing an exercise to push the Town “Beyond the Hour” in updating both its energy and environment strategic plans, benchmarking itself against municipal best practices, as well as receiving extensive feedback from the community on actions the Town should consider. Staff intends to finalize these actions in the coming months and reports will be made available at
For more information on the Town’s environmental work, contact [email protected]
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