General News

Derby draws the crowds at the Fair

May 22, 2013   ·   0 Comments

A low resounding rumble starts to erupt from the heart of Schomberg and then it continues to grow as the roars can be heard out to Highway 27.
The crowd stands, hearts start to beat fast and cheers start to grow, as the anticipation peaks. As the flag drops the action begins.
The annual Schomberg Agriculture Demolition Derby takes place tomorrow (Friday) night, marking the official opening of the Schomberg Fair.
During the winter, the search starts for the vehicle that will be the one to enter the demo derby and be strong enough to handle all the bump and bruises it will take. There are many garages, sheds and barns that have taken in vehicles as the drivers and pit crews start to debate, and plan out work on them as they decide what they will have to do to the vehicle to give them the edge to help it withstand the bumps and smacks it will take once it enters the pit.
Since the conception of the derby, there have been many changes in the pit area. Safety is one of the main concerns of SAS and they have taken steps over the years to ensure the safety of not only the drivers, but the spectators as well.
In 2011 the SAS did a full reconstruction of the demolition pit. Drainage, lighting, barriers and the increase of pit size were all looked at and reconstructed. The pit now measures 20 by 50. By in creasing the pit it gives the cars room to move around and to allow more cars in. This improvement saw the heats go longer and give the crowd more of what they came to see.
The Society is always trying to bring something new to the derby for entertainment value for the crowd. In 2011 they introduced the mini van class. Drivers and spectators soon found out it was hard to kill a van and this heat lasted about 10 minutes. In 2012, the pickup truck invitational heat was added and this brought many hoots and hollers.
In 2012, it was Mallory Groombridge and her little red sports car that stole the hearts of the crowd. People chanted her name as she move through the pit escaping the hits or delivering a big blow to her competitors. It was hard to hear Joe Skully the announcer when Mallory was in the pit as the crowd cheered for her. Mallory came 3rd but in all the crowd’s mind she was first.
Mallory’s not the only one who can capture the hearts of the crowd, some of the cars that take on transformations and change their look from a Chev wagon to the Terminator, or a Hyundai turns into Zombie the Rolling Dead can soon become favorites of the crowds and receive their cheers and support throughout the evening.



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