November 15, 2014 · 0 Comments
The memory of those who served and died for Canada was honoured over the last several days with Remembrance Day services held around Caledon. There were services Sunday at the Cenotaphs in Alton and Bolton, and another at 11 a.m. Tuesday (Nov. 11) outside Town Hall in Caledon East. Larry Weltz, president of the Alton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion laid a wreath on behalf of the Legion, accompanied by Sergeant At Arms Michael Bailey.
Photos by Bill Rea
Photo by Bill Rea
Cadets led this large parade in Bolton Sunday. After a brief service held at the Fire hall on Ann Street, participants marched to the Cenotaph at Laurel Hill Cemetery.
The Alton Public School choir, under the direction of Judith Phillips, sang the anthems at Sunday’s service in Alton.
Elyse Holwell and Christina McArthur laid this wreath at Town Hall on behalf of Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School.
Capt. Lennard Johnston of CFB Borden was the trumpeter in Bolton, accompanied by Capt. Don Rea from Caledon Fire and Emergency Services on the pipes.
Grand Knight Dennis Brusca was representing the Knights of Columbus Council 10614 Bolton at Town Hall.
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