General News

Crewson reacts to election call

August 5, 2015   ·   0 Comments

When the election writ dropped, Dufferin-Caledon Liberal candidate Ed Crewson lost little time expressing his thoughts on the announcement.
“Even with a set election date, the Harper government manages to manipulate democracy, the voters and again use the taxpayers’ money to his advantage,” Crewson stated. “The cash-rich Tories can make the most of their war chests, while the rest of the country is focused on the last days of summer, making the most of family and vacation time and the expensive and time-consuming task of preparing our children to go back to school.”
“We should all be outraged by a 78-day election, because it is us, the taxpayers who will forced shell out the estimated $2.8 million each day that Harper extends the election past the standard 37-day campaign period,” he added.



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