June 12, 2013 · 0 Comments
The weather turned out to be pretty good over the weekend; almost ideal for the annual Caledon Fair. It was a time for fun for everyone, and the midway was the source of much of that fun. Area resident Liam Unwin, 9, and his sister Julia, 11, were trying their skill at Skee ball.
The weather started off looking a little ominous, but things improved over the weekend to help make Caledon Fair a success. Being an agricultural fair, there were many animals being shown, and Kyle Stevenson from Action had the best one in Cedardale Miss Zaida, a pure bred Charolais yearling. They are seen here with the judge Nathan Stirk, fair volunteer Matthew Stevens and Fair Ambassador Patrick Forster.
Historic Melville White Church near Belfountain entered this float in the Fair parade, advertising it’s available for various functions like weddings. Jim Muir of Sleswick had Rocky and Troy draw the float, accompanied by “bride and groom” Wendy Mitchell-Burke and David Burke.
Caledon Agricultural Society Treasurer Christine Onodi greeted Elvis Tribute Artist Glenn Aitchison from Brampton at the Fair Saturday.
These Surprise Bags attracted lots of attention from folks on the Midway at the Fair, including from Melinda Lindakis, 4, of Southfields Village.
Dirty Dishes from Toronto, consisting of Suzanne McKenney, Lisa Olafson and Alison Porter, provided lots of entertainment Sunday.
Much talent was shown at the Garden Tractor pull Saturday evening. Sarah McPhail, 12, of Georgetown, pulled the sled 163 feet three inches.
The Golden Country Classics Band, consisting of Marilyn Tribe, Tom Neelands, Wib Tupling, Rod Salisbury, Brian Stevenson and Sam Leitch, were entertaining at the Fairgrounds Saturday.
Photos by Bill Rea
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