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Community challenge launched to help support local programs

April 16, 2020   ·   0 Comments


Caledon real estate agent Anthony Caputo is encouraging local residents to join him in taking on an exciting new ‘challenge.’

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have struggled in many ways, including loss of childcare services, dealing with school closures, lack of availability on hours for work or even those who have lost their job. Residents have had to apply for financial aid from the government, and many have had to rely on community aid programs from groups such as the Caledon Community Services to help them get through these difficult times. But local community support hits an all-time high here in Caledon. 

Last Wednesday (April 8) Caputo posted a video and message on Facebook declaring the beginning of the 100 Man Challenge. The challenge calls out 100 men, that haven’t been able to cut their hair for weeks, even months, to shave their head and donate $100 in support of the frontline workers, and those who work to serve and protect our communities. After shaving his own head for the cause, he came up with the idea to invite 100 other men to join him.

The post read, “Many families have been impacted by this terrible virus and they need our help. This 100 Man Challenge is for all the men out there that haven’t been able to cut their hair in weeks. Join me in showing support to our front-line workers and raising money for the Caledon Community Services and the Exchange in support of families in need. All proceeds will go towards helping families get basic necessities like food and clothing.”

With many of his own family members working as front-line workers, Caputo felt helpless, but desperately wanted to chip in and do his part to help the community.

“I saw them going to work, helping out and listening to their stories about people they were treating, and how terrible everything was. I said to myself that I got to find a way to be able to do my part and help the community,” he explained. “The Exchange and Caledon Community Services came to mind.”

All proceeds from the 100 Man Challenge will be going towards the Caledon Community Services (CCS) and their programs that continue to help those in need during these difficult times. The GoFundMe page is open and is set with a $10,000 goal, in which $2,135 has been donated so far. 

“It’s important to give back because no matter what class you’re in, whether your upper, middle or lower class, in order for a community to grow strong, everyone needs to be involved in the community. I’ve always been an advocate of, if someone is complaining about something and they don’t do anything about it, they shouldn’t be complaining at all,” Caputo said. “We all need to really join together and do what’s right, help each other out. Everything gets a lot easier when everyone is involved and everyone’s helping each other.” 

For more information about Anthony Caputo’s 100 Man Challenge or to donate, please visit Anthony Caputo Real Estate’s Facebook page



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