General News

Hills of Headwaters Collaborative applying to become Ontario Health Team

July 25, 2019   ·   0 Comments

Written By JULIA LLOYD On July 18 the Ministry of Health sent notification to the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative (HOHC) that they are one of ...

Suicide Awareness Council asking for local support in 20th year in community

Written By JULIA LLOYD 2019 marks the Suicide Awareness Council of Wellington Dufferin’s (SCWD) 20th anniversary, but this year has been the toughest one yet.  ...

Caledon resident keen to the spread the word about Lyme Disease

Written By JULIA LLOYD On July 27, St. James Church will host a presentation about Lyme Disease initiated by Lyme Ontario and a Caledon resident ...

Caledon described as a ‘buyers’ market’ as prices tumble

Written By JULIA LLOYD It’s a buyers’ market in Caledon right now, with a 7 percent decrease in housing prices from the beginning of 2019.  ...

New trend for meatless products gathering momentum

Written By MARK PAVILONS There are more healthy food choices for people on the go. And large chain restaurants are meeting the demand, offering a ...

All-day parking pilot project begins in Bolton

Written By JULIA LLOYD Would you visit the downtown core of Bolton if there were all day on-street parking? On June 17, the Peel Regional ...

168 year old property receives heritage designation in Caledon

Written By JULIA LLOYD The Town of Caledon recently sent out a notice of designation to local residents to spread the news that the municipality ...

Campbell’s Cross Farm bears fruit for local couple

Written By MARK PAVILONS Campbell’s Cross Farm has some pretty deep roots, both literally and figuratively. The newly launched family farm has been a dream ...

Inspiration is the key says local leadership expert Lance Secretan

Written By MARK PAVILONS A world renowned leadership expert does have all the answers. And some are almost archaically simple. Caledon’s Dr. Lance Secretan has ...

Caledon Village Association unhappy with EMS report

Written By JULIA LLOYD In its July newsletter, the Caledon Village Association (CVA) made it clear they were not satisfied with the EMS report by ...

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