General News

Caledon business owner calls on community to help local causes

January 16, 2020   ·   0 Comments

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Since launching her own business in Caledon, Crystal Larouche has committed herself to giving back to the local community. Starting Crystal’s ...

Caledon’s Adult 55+ Strategic Plan to become age-friendly

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL The Adult 55+ Strategic Plan was approved back in 2015, and within the five years there have been several accomplishments, but, ...

Caledon housing market sees modest increase in 2019

Written By MARK PAVILONS House prices in Caledon enjoyed a modest increase in 2019, joining the GTA market. But these increases are growing faster than ...

Conservative leadership elections opened on Monday, with rules set

Written By MIKE BAKER The Conservative Party of Canada officially opened its 2020 Leadership election on Monday (January 13), giving candidates until the end of ...

Caledon Meals on Wheels raises $37,000 through popular Match our Meals initiative

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL  Bolton Tim Horton’s challenged the community to help raise $7,500 to support Meals on Wheels this past holiday season. Now, the ...

Mayor Thompson says Caledon’s Official Plan will be ‘aggressive’

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL The Town of Caledon had a busy 12 months jam packed full of hard work, planning and engagement. Mayor Allan Thompson ...

Fat bike riders brave rain and ice to cross the finish line

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Rainy, chilly and icy weather conditions don’t stop dedicated bike riders from keeping their wheels moving.  The trails at the Albion ...

Dr. Parisa Eghbalian and daughter, tragically killed in Tehran plane crash, remembered by community

Written By BROCK WEIR They were beautiful inside and out. That is how Dr. Parisa Eghbalian and her daughter, Reera Esmaeilion, are being remembered by ...

Mayor Thompson says Caledon’s Official Plan will be ‘aggressive’

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL The Town of Caledon had a busy 12 months jam packed full of hard work, planning and engagement. Mayor Allan Thompson ...

Self-care is key when nurturing a successful business

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Julie Adamo Cass, CEO and owner of The Positive Change Group asks, what do you want? Really think about what you ...

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