
Credit River in peril

August 29, 2013   ·   0 Comments

If you are a trout fisher and you fish the main branch of the Credit River, you probably have noticed there are hardly any brook ...

Thank-you on behalf of C3

So many uniquely supportive people live and thrive in our town and without them, Caledon would not be nearly as great a place to live. ...

Communtiy and home care best place to invest in health

The Central West Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) applauds the Ontario government’s proposed $260 million investment in home and community care. As our population ages ...

Foley thanked for clarifying Canadian Tire issue

I have been waiting months to see a clear explanation of the Canadian Tire proposal for Caledon, and I want to thank Regional Councillor Patti ...

Councillor Foley explains her vote

Over the past months, I have spoken with many local residents and business owners; both those in favour of the Canadian Tire application and those ...

Councillor clarifies

When I spoke at the recent Olympia Sand and Gravel Public Information Meeting in response to the question of financial return to the Town, the ...

Don’t tax drivers more

Ontario Premier Wynne is considering more taxes for Ontario drivers. But Ontario drivers already send $10 billion a year to the Province in vehicle and ...

Development approved, despite opposition in the community

Now that Caledon council has approved (June 25) the application by Canadian Tire for a huge warehouse of 1,500,000 square feet at Coleraine Drive and ...

Tractor pull had to be called off

On behalf of the Albion and Bolton Agricultural Society, we would like to extend a big thank-you all of the dedicated volunteers who worked so ...

Fair Ambassador encourages volunteerism

We are fortunate to live in the Caledon community, and it is this interaction with those around us that makes us strive to do our ...

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