October 5, 2016 · 0 Comments
The spirit of Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope was in evidence in plenty of places recently, including in Caledon. The Rotary Club of Palgrave hosted their annual run. Rotarian Nikola Boadway was leading the warm-up before the Palgrave run.
Photos by Bill Rea
Councillor Jennifer Innis welcomed the crowds to the Palgrave run. “Thank you for keeping the spirit alive,” she said.
The Rotary Club welcomed participants with a pancake breakfast. Rotarians Derek Clark and Dan Petre were working in the chip wagon.
It was the Kinsmen Club of Bolton who hosted the Bolton run. John Crossley of Bolton was accompanied by his son Henry, 4, and daughter Frances, 7, as they were taking part.
Those contributing to the Kinsmen effort included Jenny Hall, Kathy Alexander, Liane Pucci, John Stegeman, Debbie Corpe, Steve Vickers and Mary Stegeman.
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