May 15, 2017 · 0 Comments
Benson Steel and Royal Containers will present the 2017 C3 Kinetico Kids of Steel Triathlon May 28.
The traditional community event started as a way to celebrate Olympic Gold Medalist Simon Whitfield’s Sydney victory in 2000. Whitfield had been a Kids of Steel Triathlete and the program’s founder was Caledon’s Barrie Shepley.
Shepley and Whitfield started up a friendship three decades ago and after the Sydney Games in 2000, many local Caledon residents came together to create and host the yearly Kids of Steel Triathlon.
“Big cities like Mississauga don’t have a Kids of Steel Triathlon, but due to the generosity of Kinetico, Benson Steel, Royal Containers and Caledon Hills Bike Shop, we have one of the biggest triathlons in the country,” Shepley declared.
The event is open to virtually every age group.
The youngest category is for boys and girls aged three to six. The youngest distance allows life-jackets, tricycles and a very short jog to the finishing line. Every youngster in that category gets a toy, in addition to their lunch, a t-shirt and a finishers’ medal.
Age categories run all the way from seven up to 18 and then adult waves from 20 to 70-plus.
The event takes place at the Mayfield Recreation Complex. The bike race for all athletes older than six years of age will be on Bramalea Road, which will be closed to traffic. The run will be on the Mayfield Secondary School track and trails.
The day will start with the adult waves (400-metre swim, 15-kilometre bike race and five-kilometre run) and move to the younger age categories throughout the day. Every participants gets a high-tech race shirt, a Lions Club post-race meal, a finishers’ medal and a chance for some awards.
“Our priority is fun and fitness and we have many families that are doing the race again this year,” said race director Stewart Barclay.
Caledon’s Olympian Andrew Yorke got started in the local race when he was just 12. Canada’s top ranked international athlete, Taylor Reid is a Mayfield graduate who go this start in the local Kids of Steel Triathlon a dozen years ago. His mother Peggy and father Jim are both yearly participants in the local race.
C3 is looking for people to help volunteer (email [email protected]) and to register check out the C3 website at
C3’s Sean Bechtel and his son Ross will both be participating in the 2017 Kids of Steel race.
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