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Bethell Hospice planning to push forward with annual Hike

July 16, 2020   ·   0 Comments


Charitable organizations have been impacted immensely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fundraising has been difficult, with many popular annual events being cancelled or postponed. 

Bethell Hospice, along with many other non-profit organizations in Caledon, have continually worked to create online, or COVID friendly, events to continue raising money to ensure they can help residents, and the community, with their care. 

One of their major events, Hike for Bethell Hospice, was unable to take place on its usual date –  first Sunday of May, like it has for the past decade. But, the Bethell Hospice Foundation has come up with a different way of raising funds for their residents, programs and services. 

“We were deep into planning for this year’s event when the pandemic hit and had to make a lot of adjustments,” said Julie Hymers, Associate Director, Marketing and Communications at Bethell Hospice. “We have selected a new fall date of September 13, in hopes that we would be able to hold a live event by that time. A virtual hike option was also added, to ensure that the hike could proceed in some form, despite the rapidly changing COVID-19 protocols. “

The virtual hike is an option for participants who don’t feel comfortable to attend in-person, but are still able to be involved. Virtual hikers can complete their hikes from now until September 13 and can be completed in more ways than one. 

Whether it’s a hike or walk, or even cycling, dancing or an online fitness class, it all can be contributed to the event.  Those who participate in the virtual hike are encouraged to share photos and videos of their participation for what Bethell Hospice calls a memory board. 

“Some of the most meaningful aspects of the hike have been adapted to be offered virtually, as well as in person. The memory board, where participants post inspirational messages and photos of their loved ones, has moved online. And we will be offering our opening ceremonies online on September 13 for all those who cannot be with us in person,” said Hymers. “The one thing that has not changed is the incredible love this community has for Bethell Hospice, and the bond that everyone who has been touched by Bethell Hospice shares. It is a really incredible to feel all that love and support.”

Events such as these are vital for organizations like Bethell Hospice, as they only receive a certain amount of government funding. These entities are often having to come up with unique ways to raise funds to meet their annual budget. 

“As one of our major fundraisers each year, support raised at the hike is essential for the ongoing operation of Bethell Hospice,” explained Hymers. “Unlike many other charities, government support contributes only to direct care medical staffing costs at Bethell Hospice.  Bethell Hospice Foundation must raise over $1 million each year to keep the doors of Bethell Hospice open, and all programs and services available at no cost to residents, community clients or their families.”

She added, “Support is critical to ensure that the hospice can continue to serve the community as it has for so many years.”

There are currently 11 teams and 57 participants registered for this year’s Hike, with over 250 donations raising $63,144 as of press time. 

To register or donate, please visit 



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