General News

Alex and Doris Rodrigues celebrate 50 years

March 27, 2015   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
Friday’s meeting of the Caledon Seniors’ Council included some time for celebration.
Council President Alex Rodrigues and his wife Doris were marking their 50th wedding anniversary.
They were married March 20, 1965 in Middlesex, England, where they were living at the time. They came to Canada in 1967, living first in Willowdale, before moving to Montreal for about a year and a half before returning to Toronto. They have lived in Caledon East for about 22 years.
“I think that’s where it’s going to be home sweet home,” Mr. Rodrigues remarked.
Before his retirement, Mr. Rodrigues worked in electronics for SPAR Aerospace, later known as part of MacDonald Dettwiler as MD Robotics, where he worked on such projects as the Canadarm and International Space Station.
The couple raised two sons and two daughters. They have five grandchildren with another on the way.
When it came to naming the secret for staying married so long, Mr. Rodrigues cited tolerance, understanding and patience, “and a sense of humour too.”
“Letting her have the last word,” he added.

Doris and Alex Rodrigues celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Friday.

Doris and Alex Rodrigues celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Friday.



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