Town issues reminder about fireworks rules

May 15, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Victoria Day is this Monday, and the sky is going to light up with fireworks from all across the community.
While they make for a dazzling display, they can also become a public danger if improperly used. The Town of Caledon has released the laws and guidelines for fireworks use so everyone can enjoy the holiday safely.
Firstly, fireworks may only be set off on private property; there are no circumstances where it is permissible for fireworks to be used in public places unless it is at an organized event. Fireworks may also only be set off Victoria Day or any other holiday where the police authorize it. Setting them off at any other time is subject to a fine.
When using fireworks, it is important that only one responsible adult should be in charge, and anyone not assisting with the setup should stay a good distance away. The main concern is the possibility of starting fires, so the launcher should be kept away from houses or trees, and there should be a hose or pail on hand at all times. Wheel fireworks in particular must be affixed securely to a post or fence to avoid misfire.
Always consult the instructions on the packaging to learn how to use fireworks, and do not set off more than one at a time. Dud fireworks can still be dangerous and should be thoroughly soaked in water before disposal. In the event that fireworks burn someone, it is best to run water over the wound fore three to five minutes even if you call for medical attention.
Sparklers should be used with caution as well, and not given to children, since they will burn skin and cause blindness. The sparkler wire will remain hot after being put out and should be immersed in water.



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