March 10, 2016 · 0 Comments
By Jim Firth
Honorary Palgrave Rotarians Ann Davidson and Carol Seglins recently returned from an exotic tour of the Far East and stopped in Myanmar, (formerly Burma).
Ann was raised in Myanmar, but her family left when the Army took control in 1962 and it was a long time since she had last seen Burma. Ann and Carol discovered a Rotary Club in Yangon (formerly Rangoon), Myanmar’s largest city. They reached out to the Club, were welcomed warmly and they shared the history of Rotary in Burma.
The first Rotary Club in Burma was founded in Rangoon in 1929. However, after the Army took control of the region, the Club was forced to close after 50 years of service. During army rule, community-based service clubs like Rotary were banned.
The first open free elections were held last fall and the new Independent Parliament began Feb. 1, 2016. Long time human rights activist and Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi will lead the new parliament. With the freedom and independence in Myanmar, Rotary returned. The Rotary Club of Yangon received its Charter in 2014 and now has more than 50 members with 30 per cent female membership.
Like all clubs, the Rotary Club of Yangon supports local charities and provides a welcome refuge for Rotarians around the world.
Join us in Caledon East April 6 at St. James Anglican Church for an introduction to Rotary. Kindly RSVP to Club President, Jim Firth 416-884-4653 or at [email protected]
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