General News

Paterak not going for Regional Chair

December 5, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea
Peel Regional councillors will be picking a new Chair tonight (Thursday), and Richard Paterak has announced he will not be in the running.
The long time Regional representative for Ward 1 on Caledon council lost in his re-election bid in October to Barb Shaughnessy. He had said he was thinking of running for the job to be vacated by Emil Kolb, but announced last week that he had decided against it.
Kolb has been in the chair 23 years, after two terms as mayor of Caledon and many years on Town council and Albion Township council before that.
“I believe the Regional council is in the mood for somebody not from Caledon,” Paterak commented.
When it comes to likely favourites to occupy the Chair, Caledon councillors contacted by the Citizen were keeping things to themselves.
Mayor Allan Thompson said he was working with his other colleagues from Caledon, adding the five of them will likely vote as a block. The issue will be who they trust “and is going to be supporting Caledon as we go forward.”
He stressed the importance of making sure Caledon’s interests are not compromised.
Brampton councillors are trying to get more seats for their city, and there are representatives from Mississauga who think those seats should come from Caledon.



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