General News

Town mourning former treasurer

November 20, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea Flags at Town Hall were lowered this week in memory of Sam Jones. Caledon’s former treasurer died Sunday. He was 73. “Those ...

Community gathers to remember the fallen

Tax hike of 3.35 per cent being proposed

By Bill Rea It’s only preliminary at this stage, but Caledon taxpayers could be looking at a 3.35 per cent increase in their property taxes ...

HomeJames is about to begin for the holidays

The Holidays are fast approaching, with plenty of celebrating to go with it. With the season comes the question of getting home after the parties, ...

Neighbourhood Watch helps keep communities safe from crime

Are you concerned about keeping your community safe? Would you be interested in taking an active role in crime prevention and community safety matters in ...

Hens may soon be allowed in Caledon back yards

By Bill Rea It won’t be long now before Caledon residents will be able to keep hens in their back yards, although there will be ...

Performing at CrossCurrents Cafe

Nicole Lisa Craig (formerly Nicole Coward) will be joined by David Henman, Tom Nagy and Harpin’ Norm Lucien singing songs from her latest album release ...

Police holding information session on auxiliary constables

Caledon OPP are recruiting for a number of available auxiliary constable positions at the detachment. Interested persons are invited to attend an information session at ...

Mark Kersey will appear at CPCC Christmas party

Caledon Parent-Child Centre/Ontario Early Years Centre (CPCC/OEYC) is gearing up for its annual Children’s Christmas Party. It will be Nov. 25 from 9:30 to 11:30 ...

Buy a tie or scarf to support FTP

Show support to end violence against woman — participate in the Wrapped in Courage Campaign during Woman Abuse Prevention Month in November. Last year, Family ...

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