General News

Golf tournament funds presented to Bolton Camp

March 7, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Bill Rea Caledon Council’s annual Golf Tournament, held in September, raised more than $100,000, and Bolton Camp received a good chunk of that. Councillors ...


Stopping Corridor EA creating municipal complications

By Bill Rea The Province’s recent announcement to stop the environmental assessment (EA) on the GTA West Corridor has not simplified things for municipalities. The issue ...

Minister double-teamed on Corridor

By Bill Rea Duffering-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones was joined by her colleague from Kitchener-Conestoga Michael Harris, Progressive Conservative critic for transportation, last Wednesday in questioning Transportation ...

Tilson points out budget had nothing for seniors, agriculture or defence

By Bill Rea The federal budget, brought down Tuesday by Finance Minister Bill Morneau, had several provisions aimed at women, with little else going in ...

World Day of Prayer service at Bolton United

A World Day of Prayer service will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 1:30 pm. at the Bolton United Church. Five local churches will participate together ...

Maciag returning to CrossCurrents

Bolton singer and song writer Robert Maciag will be returning tomorrow (Friday) evening for another performance at CrossCurrents Cafe in Bolton. Maciag has been attracting ...

Learn how the sky is no longer the limit through Jobs Caledon

Do you have difficulty getting past self-imposed limitations? Jobs Caledon at Caledon Community Services in the Royal Courtyards Bolton is hosting a presentation, The Sky ...

Free flights for females at BFC

It is widely recognized that women only represent about six per cent of the total pilot population. For this reason, Brampton Flight Centre (BFC) is ...

Bylaw review will look at regulating pigeons

By Bill Rea There are some who seem to think a subject like regulating pigeons in Caledon is for the birds. But Councillor Johanna Downey ...

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