General News

Hitting the trails at Caledon Ski Club

March 21, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Big pile of garbage draws wrath

By Bill Rea There comes a point when dumping of garbage goes too far, and a Duffys Lane man thinks that point has been reached. ...

Throne speech impressed Liberals, but that’s about it

By Bill Rea The Wynne government set out a list of priorities Monday when Lt.-Gov. Elizabeth Dowdeswell delivered the speech from the Throne, but others ...

Celebrate Earth Hour this Saturday in Caledon

Turn out the lights for Earth Hour. This year marks the 10th annual Earth Hour, which will take place this Saturday (March 24) from 8:30 ...

Churchville Park coming to CrossCurrents

Churchville Park is an acoustic group that performs old-time country, folk and bluegrass classics. Members Sherry O’Connor, Mary Bennet, Jason Laprade and George Scott share ...

Macville’s car will help fund other school projects

By Bill Rea Schools are always winning athletic championships, academic awards, artistic competitions, etc., but cars? Macville Public School did win a car, but it ...


Lafarge gets approval for expanded operation

By Bill Rea Caledon Council has given its approval to expanding Lafarge Canada Inc.’s gravel operation near Caledon village into the Limebeer property, but not ...

Experience a shift in Perspective at Alton Mill

Headwaters Arts presents Perspectives, works by regional artists in a new group show at the Alton Mill Arts Centre. The four-week exhibit, on display until ...


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