General News

Tweedsmuir Presbyterian Church dedicates accessibility project

May 10, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Written By BRIAN LOCKHART For those with a disability, getting to church has been made a whole lot easier at Tweedsmuir Memorial Presbyterian Church in ...

Dufferin-Caledon Liberal candidate looking forward to election

Written By Constance Scrafield Bob Gordanier, Liberal Candidate for Dufferin-Caledon in the June 7 provincial election, has opened a campaign office at 308 Broadway, Orangeville, ...

Caledon resident Lisa Bentley, a former Ironman winner, releases new book – An Unlikely Champion

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER Lisa Bentley, a resident of Caledon and a former triathlete, has released her first book, which she hopes will help others ...

Robert F. Hall hosts Grade 8 mental health and wellness conference

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School recently hosted a health and wellness conference for Grade 8 students who will be going ...

Mandarin MS Walk on Sunday raised research, support funds

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER While it was a good day for a walk, it was an even better day to walk and help raise funds ...

$800,000 cost of two legal actions dominates Mono Council session

Special to the Citizen At its session Tuesday, Mono Council once again heard from the public regarding the substantial costs incurred over the recent Cox ...

Cheltenham Badlands set to re-open this summer after three year closure

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER After being closed off for nearly three years, the Cheltenham Badlands is expected to open to the public by this summer. ...

Local resident to visit Austria in Bolton Rotary exchange program

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER “I can’t wait,” is how local resident Chloe Kostynyk describes going to Austria this summer for a year to be an ...

Peel pride flag decision to be made May 22

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER Peel District School Board Trustees will make a decision on May 22 about whether to fly the pride flag in June ...

New pedestrian crossover opens in town

Written By JASEN OBERMEYER The Region of Peel has opened a new pedestrian crossover in Palgrave, located at the Caledon Trailway and Brawton Drive to ...

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