General News

Mimi’s Nails a long-time staple in the community

November 29, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Written By KIRA WRONSKA DORWARD Tom and Kim Nguyen are at their best making their clients feel good about themselves. Their business is beauty, but ...

Town of Caledon placing parking bans throughout the winter

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS The Town of Caledon issues a winter parking and commonly lifts it the following day. A ban is meant to keep ...

Polish donor, local recipient of bone marrow transplant to meet next month

Written By CONSTANCE SCRAFIELD Next month, Temine and Mike Ash of Caledon will finally get to meet Temine’s “genetic twin,” the Polish lady who 27 ...

Palgrave house features 75,000 Christmas lights

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS A Palgrave family is working together to present a cascade of lights during the holiday season. Nadine Mercieca, her husband Brian ...

Home James driving services operating this holiday season

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS Volunteers are being sought to help out with Home James driving services this holiday season. Home James is a non-profit community ...

Bolton fire hall completion date delayed until spring 2019

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS Construction at the north hill fire hall has ways to go before it finally opens. The station was scheduled to be ...

Welcome Wagon relaunches in Caledon

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS Two women have recently relaunched a program to connect residents in the community. Paula Giovannozzi and Joyce Ann Farris have been ...

Curling club hosted fundraising bonspiel

Written By KAREN LETWINKA On Saturday, Nov. 17, the King Curling Club played host to The Olive Branch for Children’s 4th Annual Curling Bonspiel. Founded ...

Small business owners and low-income earners to receive tax relief

Written By JOSHUA SANTOS Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives Government released a fiscal and economic update Thursday, Nov. 15. It includes spending cuts and tax relief for ...

Fencor Contracting Ltd. opens business in Caledon

Following its recent grand opening, Fencor Contracting Ltd owner Andrew Savaglio sat down with us and talked about the business and why they made the ...

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