General News

Christ Church Anglican Church to celebrate 175th anniversary

November 21, 2019   ·   0 Comments

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL 10 years, 20 years and 50 years are all huge milestones to hit in life. But not a lot of places ...

Annual Christmas Shoppe comes to Caledon

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL  The Community Women’s Circle hosted their annual Christmas Shoppe and Bake Sale this past Saturday at the Caledon East United Church.  ...

King City an ‘inspired choice’ for Canada Post holiday stamp

Written By MARK PAVILONS King City is many things, but few would have thought it would be the shining light leading the Magi to the ...

Suicide Loss Day assists those left behind

Written By BRIAN LOCKHART According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, it is estimated that nearly 4,000 people die by suicide in Canada each ...

Palgrave United Community Kitchen celebrates 10 years

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Locals, members of the Town of Caledon and Council gathered this past Saturday at the Palgrave United Church to celebrate the ...

Confusion surrounding 2020 Caledon Home & Lifestyle Show

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL More than seven months have now passed since the Caledon Chamber of Commerce unexpectedly pulled the plug on its annual Spring ...

Committee formed to recruit new CAO

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Recruitment and Performance Evaluation Committee report meeting took place last council on Nov 19.  The Town ...

Mixed feelings over residential subdivision slated for Nunnville Rd.

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL A draft plan application for a new subdivision in Bolton was presented to Caledon Council on Tuesday (Nov. 19). Members of ...

‘Five Friends’ come together to create art show at Alton Mill

Written By CONSTANCE SCRAFIELD “Basically, the five of us are presenting in the show,” said Robert Chisholm of the Five Friends Art Show taking place ...

Town employees remember one of their own during Movember

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL The Town of Caledon is in the midst of participating in its seventh successive Movember, through its team the ‘Caledon Manley ...

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