General News

Hanson lawyer seeks venue change for trial

December 19, 2019   ·   0 Comments

Written By PAULA BROWN Michelle Hanson, the mother charged in the death of her three-year-old son Kaden Young, and her lawyer, Marco Forte, plan to ...

Locals up in arms over potential loss of Wildfield heritage home

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Residents of Brampton and parts of Caledon are frowning at the thought of one of the last remaining heritage properties in ...

Seeback seeks government support for local soybean, canola farmers

Written By MIKE BAKER In what was his first official act in Ottawa as Dufferin-Caledon’s new Member of Parliament, Kyle Seeback voiced his concerns over ...

Caledon Council approves 2020 budget

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Town Council began on Tuesday (Dec. 17) with a prayer and the singing of our national anthem, before  members got into ...

Town of Caledon, Enbridge unveil ‘Project Zero’ initiative

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Enbridge Gas Inc. and the Town of Caledon Fire and Emergency Services unveiled, on Wednesday (Dec. 18), a new partnership to ...

Golden Hawks play well in losing effort against Hornets

Written By ROBERT BELARDI The Alliston Hornets defeat the Caledon Golden Hawks 3-2 in nail-biting fashion on Sunday evening (Dec. 15).  Prior to the game, ...

Caledon Meals on Wheels partnering with OPP to bring ‘Project Lifesaver’ to the community

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Caledon Meals on Wheels have partnered with Caledon OPP to provide members of the community with a protection service; Project Lifesaver. ...

NDACT seeks to document crusade against mega-quarry

Written By MARNI WALSH As one of its goals for 2020, The North Dufferin Agriculture and Community Taskforce (NDACT) seeks to record its founding and ...

UofT professor shares history of Jokers Hill

Written By KIM SILLCOX The King Township Historical Society’s (KTHS) second speaker of the year was Professor Art Weis of the University of Toronto, who ...

FTP memorial ceremony marks 30th anniversary of Montreal Massacre

Written By MIKE BAKER Representatives of Family Transition Place (FTP) joined with members of the local community last week to commemorate the victims of the ...

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